Copyright and self-archiving policy

Terms of article use

All articles in "International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health" are published in Open Access model and licensed under a CC BY 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International). Please read the detailed terms of the license at

Dear Readers, you are free to:
  • share – copy and redistribute the articles in any medium or format,
  • adapt – e.g., translate
  • under the following terms:
  • attribution
    • you must give appropriate credit – provide the following information: author/authors, title of the article, name of the journal, year, volume, issue, range of pages, DOI number in the form of a link and name of the license together with a link to its description (;
    • if any changes have been made in the article, you must provide detailed information regarding the changes – you may provide it in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

Dear Authors, we encourage you to share your work:
  • send an e-mail with your article’s DOI (as a link) to your colleagues,
  • present your article at a meeting or conference and distribute printed copies of the article,
  • make printed copies of your article to be used during lecture or in classroom,
  • include your article in a thesis.

We recommend sharing/archiving articles in Version of Record (VoR) – publisher’s version published at is recommended to be used.
We also permit sharing/archiving in Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) version.

  • Version of record (VoR) is the version of the manuscript published in the journal, after editing and language correction, after typesetting, with a set of fonts and graphics corresponding to the journal’s visual identity system.
    Other names: published version or publisher’s PDF.
  • Author accepted manuscript (AAM): the final, author-created version of the of the manuscript, which includes any changes made after reviews. The version accepted for publication by the journal.
    Other names: postprint, author accepted manuscript.

The journal does not accept the articles that have been previously published in any form or submitted for publication in any other publishing house or editorial office (it also applies to repositories).

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