Health status of long-term sick leave and working female teachers in Germany: A cross-sectional study
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Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany
(Skin Cancer Unit at the University Cancer Center Dresden, Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus,
Department of Dermatology)
University Hospital of Dresden, Dresden, Germany
(Centre for Evidence-based Health Care)
Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany
(Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus, Institute and Policlinics for Occupational and Social Medicine)
University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany
(Institute of Preventive Medicine and Center for Life Science Automation)
Online publication date: 2017-10-24
Corresponding author
Reingard Seibt
University of Rostock, Institute of Preventive Medicine and Center for Life Science Automation (CELISCA), St.-Georg-Straße 108,
18055 Rostock, Germany
Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2018;31(2):227-42
Objectives: Limited research on the health situation of teachers on long-term sick leave is available. The aim of this study
has been to describe the health status of female teachers on long-term sick leave (LSFT) in comparison to working female
teachers (WFT) and to determine predictors for their state of mental health (MH) and cardiovascular fitness (CF). Material and Methods: Twenty-eight LSFT and 300 WFT (average age: 53±5 years old) participated in a screening diagnostic
inventory. Mental health, CF, blood pressure (BP), body mass index (BMI), body fat mass (BFM), health behavior
(smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity) and disease burden (DB – number of medical diagnoses) were analyzed for
the purpose of characterization of the health status. The multiple linear regression analysis was performed to identify
predictors for the state of MH and CF. Results: Adverse values for the MH but also for CF, BFM and the DB (median
of medical diagnoses: LSFT: 5; WFT: 2) among the LSFT in comparison to the WFT were confirmed. Additionally, the
part of smokers among LSFT (25%) was higher (WFT: 8%). In contrast, the WFT (61%) were much more affected by an
elevated BP (LSFT: 26%). Disease burden proved as the strongest predictor for MH of the female teachers. Age, BMI
and DB proved as predictors for CF. Conclusions: Health-related differences between long-term sick leave and working
teachers were particularized and a link between physical and mental health among teachers was quantified. Therefore,
health-related concepts for teachers should equally focus on physical and psychological aspects. The relevance of regular
well-structured occupational health check-ups should be brought to the attention of the profession to prevent diseases and
early retirements. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2018;31(2):227–242