Hypercholesterolemia and prevention of cardiovascular diseases in the light of preventive medical examinations of employees in Poland
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Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
(3rd Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology)
Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
(School of Public Health)
Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź, Poland
(Department of Occupational Diseases and Environmental Health)
Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
(Department of Public Health)
Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
(1st Department of Cardiology, Interventional Electrocardiology and Hypertension)
Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
(Department and Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology)
Online publication date: 2019-10-07
Corresponding author
Dominik Olejniczak
Medical University of Warsaw, Department of Public Health, Nielubowicza 5, 02-097 Warsaw, Poland
Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(6):865-72
Long-term exposure to hypercholesterolemia is the cause of atherosclerosis, which in turn causes cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. In developed
countries, including Poland, vascular diseases are the main cause of death. They affect an ever younger part of the population, including the
working population. The authors address the problem of epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases, unsatisfactory detection and treatment, economic
consequences for the health care system, and the possibilities of using occupational medicine services in the prevention of this health problem. Due to the
fact that the early detection of diseases caused by high blood cholesterol levels is relatively low in Poland, obligatory occupational medicine examinations
seem to be a key element of the second-line prevention. Therefore, it seems natural to consider the idea of extending the scope of obligatory examinations
and introducing tests that allow lipid disorders to be detected at an early stage. This can contribute to a general improvement of the health of the
population, and to economic benefits, such as a decrease in the costs of treatment of the disorders that have been detected too late. Broadening the scope
of occupational examinations is also important from the perspective of public health and epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases, thus being an element
of prevention of civilization diseases. It means improving health and building health awareness, and it should translate into regular health examinations.
The performance of these examinations should result not only from the obligation, but also from the patient’s conviction about the importance of early
detection of disorders, including lipid disorders, for an effective therapy. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(6):865–72