Comprehensive tackling to the safe handling of hazardous drugs:
a multidisciplinary approach to clinical practice
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Joan XXIII-University Hospital, Tarragona, Spain
(Department of Pharmacy)
Joan XXIII-University Hospital, Tarragona, Spain
(Department of Occupational Risk Prevention)
Joan XXIII-University Hospital, Tarragona, Spain
(Department of Nursing)
Online publication date: 2020-07-27
Corresponding author
María Vuelta-Arce
Joan XXIII-University Hospital, Department of Pharmacy, Carrer Dr Mallafré Guasch 4, 43005 Tarragona, Spain
Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2020;33(5):621-34
Objectives: The aim of this study is to present the adaptation and implementation of the recommendations of the National Institute for Safety and
Health at Work (Instituto Nacional de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo – INSHT) in the authors’ hospital to achieve a safer handling of hazardous
drugs. Material and Methods: In 2016, INSHT published the first document on hazardous drugs in Spain. In the authors’ center, a project was developed
to implement the recommendations presented in that document in 2 phases: 1) analysis: to identify drugs and processes susceptible to not being
handled as hazardous, and to search for safer alternatives and preventive measures; and 2) development: to ensure information, training, the adaptation
of standardized work procedures, the minimization of risks associated with handling, safety devices, personal protective equipment (PPE), as
well as health monitoring. Results: The authors detected 80 commercial presentations manipulated without adhering to safety conditions, mainly
oral (74%) from lists 1 (7.5%), 2 (37.5%) and 3 (55%) of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. The following measures were
envisaged to reduce the risk: introducing new presentations (4 lower doses, 1 liquid dose) and centralizing new preparations in the pharmacy service
(11 oral formulas, 6 parenteral drugs). Management, spillage and exposure procedures were adapted. Safety measures were included in the prescription
and administration applications, and there were some indications of risks in the storage. Overall, 48 referents and 690 nurses were trained. Each
unit was provided with PPE and safety devices (e.g., closed systems, RX CRUSH®). The steps prior to the administration were moved to the patient’s
bedside to align patient and professional safety. During the first 6 months after the implementation, 22 cases of pregnancy (64% among the nursing
staff), 4 cases of lactation, and 1 case of conceiving problems were reported. In the cases of oxytocin and the repackaging of list 3, risk management
was applied. Conclusions: The multidisciplinary approach has allowed to achieve a global and safer control of hazardous drugs with a minimal impact
on the center. It is important to continuously evaluate the effects of these measures, and to take into account the data of this analysis and any possible
new evidence. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2020;33(5):621–34